I'm in the (very enviable!) position of playing host to both a Finnish and a Swedish food blog challenge this month. Which is kind of lucky, because I'm having serious issues with getting food from the "shots on camera, recipe in head" stage to "edited pictures and post" one. Without further ado:
The Finnish one: elokuun ruokahaaste alkaa olla loppusuoralla; lähettääkääpi kalapostauksenne minulle lauantai-iltaan mennessä!
Samaten vinkkaan että koulu (tai koti-) ruotsin taitoja verestävät cyberkokkiosallistujat (lisätietoa alempana) saavat meikäläiseltä kymmenen pistettä ja papukaijamerkin. Ja keksejä.
And the Swedish one: det är dags att välja ingredienser till Cyberkocken igen! Hos Ilva i Aglio e olio kan ni ge förslag på nya ingredienser att lägga till de här: muscovadosocker, rucola, soltorkade tomater, fetaost, gurka, nötter, gelatin, färsk spenat, hallon, kyckling, västerbottensost, quinoa, rädisor, och rödlök. Nästa onsdag, dvs 29.8, lägger jag sedan ut tre ingredienser lottade ur de förslagna, plus en extra (som jag nog redan har lite tankar kring). Sen har ni till måndagen (3.9) på er att laga en måltid med de givna ingredienserna, posta om den och länka mig till posten. (Blogglösa deltagare skickar sitt inlägg antingen till Ilva eller till mig, så lägger vi upp det på våra bloggar.)
Bonuspoäng om alla indredienserna kommer i en och samma rätt, extrasuperbonuspoäng för alla finländare som vågar sig på att blogga på svenska. Men först ska det alltså ges ingrediensförslag, och det gör du här.
And so it's not all Foreign Tongues, All The Time: dear Quark readers - tell me about your experiences with mushrooms! Do you only eat the ones to be had in shops? Do chanterelle and porcini sneak in now and then? Or funnel chanterelle and horn of plenty? How about sheep polypore? (That's lampaankääpä / fårticka over here.) Enquiring minds want to know!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Challenge Time Ahoy!
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Labels: food events, in finnish, in swedish
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You'll be busy hosting then!
You may have realised/guessed that I like my wild mushrooms. I eat many, and usually pick them myself, although I did buy spring mushrooms at the market and chantarelles occasionally.
However, I can honestly say that I've never picked a harilik lambaseenik before. Something to rectify soon:) I'm also really keen to find some funnel chantarelles. I'm convinced they're somewhere here in Estonia, only looking to be discovered by us!
I posted recently about picking and preserving chanterelles. My first mushroom picking experience but it won't be my last! Don't have much competition over here. Mushroom picking is not very common in Scotland at all.
Pille, both of my family's summer places have good funnel chanterelle spots, and I just love picking them - you hunker down in the middle of the forest to pick ONE, and it's like a switch goes off in your head and they're everywhere. Very rewarding! They're a bit strong in taste for me though.
As for sheep polypore, when I started googling for the English name I realized it's pretty much popular in Finland and Sweden only. It doesn't have a strong taste, but I love how firm and, well, un-mushroom-like the texture is. Plus, it's very common, and you don't have to find many of them to make a decent meal, especially mixed with something stronger-tasting. (I love them fried up with hedghehog mushrooms, for example, or even chanterelles.) Stick to the small ones though!
Wendy, I've always been a bit curious about how little wild mushrooms are used both in Britain and in the US. (And personally, I leave the drying of shrooms to others - the stink is just too much for me!)
Growing up in Northern Michigan (which has a very similar climate to Sweden--except for the extreme darkness) we always picked morels. I'm convinced they're growing in Sweden someplace nearby me. I've figured out that true morels are called top murklor (I probably spelled that wrong), but every time I ask someone about them, I'm faced with that stare that says, "are you an alien" again. There also seems to be some confusion about murklor, which are false morels and poisonous. People seem to readily eat those here, and you can even buy them in cans in the grocery store. But, I'm interested in the top murklor variety. If anyone around Stockholm knows a spot, I have an SUV :-)
Martha, actually I don't know that I've ever seen actual morels being sold here. The false morels lose their poison if you boil them in a few rounds of water. (I'm assuming the canned variety has had this treatment.)
I wish I had the mushroom bounty you have over there! :) Especially how you can actually forage for them and not just get them in the store...I love love love mushrooms!
Hei! Melkein kotiovella kasvaa lampaankääpää, pururadan reunassa. Siitä on oiva poimia sienet lenkillä. Lampaankääpää kun paistaa sipulin kanssa oivariinissa ja lisää pippuria, curryä, soijakermaa, suolaa ja (häpeä) ketsuppia antamaan makeutta ja taittuvuutta, muhennosta voi syödä pääruokana uusien perunoiden kanssa. Lohi sopii myös erinomaisesti tähän.
Kanttarelleja ei täällä pohjoisessa olen, mutta isoja herkkutatteja löytyy samaisen lenkkipolun varrelta. Samoin kehnäsientä, joka on aivan loistava, mieto ruokasieni.
I have enjoyed your blog - it was one of the first to get me interested in food blogging. But I am sad that it has not been updated since 2007. Did you continue on with a different website?
I've only had porcini and chanterelles dried in Australia. I've only every picked regular field mushrooms once or twice. Wild mushrooms aren't a big thing here I don't think.
Nästa onsdag, dvs 29.8, lägger jag sedan ut tre ingredienser lottade ur de förslagna, plus en extra (som jag nog redan har lite tankar kring). för alla finländare som vågar sig på att blogga på svenska. Men först ska det alltså ges ingrediensförslag, och det gör du här.
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Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.
Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.
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Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.
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