I'm a girl who likes to munch on things. You know those diet quizzes where you're asked about your weaknesses - is it chocolate, salted nuts, cheese, candy, potato chips? Surely I can't be the only person whose instinctive response to this question is "um, yes, ALL OF THOSE, gimme!"
Luckily (for me, that is), I also like chickpeas. Specifically, crunchy-on-the-outside, tender-on-the-inside, nutty and fragrant roasted chickpeas.

Indian Roasted Chickpeas
I feel silly calling a recipe, because there's really nothing to it (plus I didn't exactly measure anything, so you'll have to go by feel with the spices - not that you shouldn't, anyway). Nevertheless...
1 can chickpeas (or you could soak and cook your own)Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Mix oil and spices and toss the chickpeas in them to coat. Roast in a large-ish pan at 200°C (400°F) for 20-35 minutes, until crisp and golden brown, stirring a few times in between.
1 tbsp olive oil
whatever spices you fancy: I used turmeric, ground cumin, amchoor powder, cayenne, a dash of garlic powder and salt & pepper
Eat warm.

YUMM-MIE! Me want. Now.
Have to confess to being one of those persons who like munching... mainly savoury / salty stuff, but won't say no to the occasional chocolates.These chickpeas make my mouth water... I think I'll have to try these (too) soon. One of those snacks that you can convince yourself is ok to munch on as is practically just vegetables! (Then again, so are potato crisps as well...)
I love munching on roated chickpeas or edamame...Beautiful photography!
I've seen a few recipes for spicy roasted chickpeas, but had totally forgotten about them! Thanks for reminding me and providing a 'recipe' as well - much appreciated:)
Oliivia, have you seen the no-fat MICROWAVE potato chips doing the rounds on the English food blogs? I haven't tried them yet because I don't have a mandoline, but...
Rachel, I'm pretty pleased with myself for having made these several times already this year. Usually my food cravings are somewhat more on the unhealthy side.
Helene, I wish I could get edamame here, but I've never seen any.
Pille, I've made these twice in the space of a few weeks, and I think as long as your spices are ground rather than whole (they'll just scorch on the bottom of the pan, at least for me), they will taste fabulous. Plus, protein and fibers!
I've made these before, but the only problem I have is that they shrink so much in the oven that I feel like I'm eating less than I am and I devour them in one sitting!
Brilynn, I know just what you mean! Besides, they're not nearly as good once they've cooled.
I love anything with chick peas, especially if it's a munchy snack!
deinin, thanks for the tip on those crisps in the microwave! Am going to try immediately!
Now this is my kind of snack!!! Isn't it great to have a healthy addiction to at lease one thing.
YUM!!! I share your fondness for chickpeas :) I always have to have some in the pantry...they are so versatile! This is another use and it sounds really good :) Thanks for passing on your "recipe"...it sounds like a winner!
Freya & Paul, me too! As a kid, I used to have terrible arguments with my brother, who thought everything with a hint of legume in it was "dry" and "floury." Pshaw!
MyKitchenInHalfCups, even if it's just this one thing in a sea of cholesterol-laden goodies...
Joey, I try to keep some around, too, as I like canned chickpeas way better than any other canned legume. It's my go-to when I don't have the patience for soaking & boiling.
OMG these look amazing. you are such a phenomenal photographer. i'm thrilled to have found your site! can't wait to go exploring!
I love to find out about healthy snacks, thanks! About the microwave chips, I've made them fairly successfully without a mandoline. The problem is you can only get about 10 chips in one layer in the microwave. 5 minutes at full power for 10 chips did not seem very efficient use of energy to me. Maybe because I eat 10 chips so quickly... Anyway, they're fun to make, and it does seem like magic how crisp they become!
Linda, thank you! I haven't been blogging for very long, so I still have lots of favorite foodstuffs to write about :)
Astrid, I've thought about the batch size issue, too. Maybe I should just make them in the oven?
Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!
Even so
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